Indicaciones para manejo del pacientes con Miastenia Gravis y COVID-19


Debido a la alerta sanitaria mundial que se vive estos días ante la pandemia por SARS-COV2, un grupo de expertos mundiales en Miastenia Gravis ha desarrollado un documento de recomendaciones dirigidos a pacientes y médicos. En el documento adjunto encontraréis recomendaciones generales para pacientes con Miastenia Gravis y Síndrome de Eaton-Lambert, indicaciones para inicio de tratamiento y para pacientes en ensayo clínico.

Documento completo

Autores de las recomendaciones:

Amanda Guidon, MD
Department of Neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA 02114, USA

Jeff Guptill, MD
Department of Neurology
Duke University Medical Center

Michael Hehir, MD
Department of Neurology
University of Vermont Medical Center
Burlington,  Vermont  05401, USA

James F. Howard Jr., MD
Department of Neurology
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7025, USA

Isabel Illa, MD, PhD
Catedràtica Neurologia U.A.B.
Unitat Patologia Neuromuscular
Servei Neurologia – Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau
C/ Pare Claret 167 Barcelona 08025 Spain

Saiju Jacob, MBBS, MD, DPhil
Department of Neurology and Neuroimmunology
University Hospitals Birmingham, B15 2TH
United Kingdom

Renato Mantegazza, MD
Department of Neuroimmunology and Neuromuscular Diseases
Fondazione I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta
Via Celoria 11 – 20133 Milano, Italy

Srikanth Muppidi, MD
Department of Neurology
Stanford Neuroscience Health Center
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA

Hiroyuki Murai, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology, School of Medicine
International University of Health and Welfare
Narita, Japan

Richard J. Nowak, MD
Department of Neurology
Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven, CT 06520, USA

Kimiaki Utsugisawa, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology
Hanamaki General Hospital

John Vissing, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology
2082 Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Heinz Wiendl, MD
Department of Neurology
Institute of Translational Neurology
University of Münster – Münster, Germany